Enabling leaders and organisations to thrive in an era of volatility

We help our clients address the opportunities and risks created by an era of increasing volatility and achieve their aspirations to make a positive difference.

We offer advice, counsel and coaching to leaders, teams, organisations and their boards across regions — in professional services, private equity, family businesses, corporates, start-ups, government and nonprofits.

Our work draws on Alastair’s 35-year career across the private, public and social sectors — at McKinsey & Company, where he worked for 22 years, including a decade as the firm’s Global Director of Risk, in government and as an orchestral and operatic conductor. It is informed by his experience coaching and counselling senior leaders and advising on complex issues in all sectors and 120 countries.

Our clients and their objectives

Leaders seeking to …

  • Strengthen the skills and qualities they need to guide their people and organisations in an era of volatility

  • Increase their impact and fulfilment in new or existing roles and during career transitions

  • Resolve issues across the personal and professional aspects of leadership

Teams seeking to …

  • Create a sense of shared purpose which radiates across their organisations

  • Increase their effectiveness and cohesion

  • Strengthen their collective leadership

Organisations seeking to …

  • Take an integrated approach to impact, innovation and risk

  • Identify and address their most pressing, complex risks

  • Build the capabilities they need to thrive in a complex, volatile world


We work with our clients in three ways:

  • Advice on how organisations take an integrated approach to impact, innovation and risk

  • Counsel on how leaders address complex issues and guide their people through change

  • Coaching on how leaders achieve their personal and professional potential, feel fulfilled in their careers, and navigate opportunities and challenges along the way

Many of our projects combine advice, counsel and coaching: advice provided by a trusted counsellor, coaching informed by cross-sector expertise.

All of our work is anchored on our being there with and for our clients.

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Alastair Levy, founder Alastair Levy Advisory, expert advisor and executive coach


Our work draws on Alastair’s 35-year career as an advisor, leader and coach in the private, public and social sectors:

  • In management consulting, 22 years at McKinsey & Company, including a decade as Global Director of Risk, advising on high-stake risks in every sector and 120 countries

  • In government, where he was chief of staff to a UK cabinet minister and advised on welfare and pensions reform

  • As an orchestral and operatic conductor, bringing together orchestras, singers, stage directors, managers and sponsors in concerts and opera performances

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Our work is informed by research, publications and speaking engagements on topics including:

  • Leading in an era of volatility

  • The risk imperative facing leaders across sectors

  • Conducting and leadership

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